Exposiciones anteriores

Exposiciones Anteriores

Exhibition "The Art of Engraving and Railways"

The museum. Museo Casa de la Moneda, in conjunction with the foundation, Fundación de los Ferrocarriles Españoles, has organised this exhibition as a tribute to the railway, providing a comprehensive tour of its history and its depiction in art. 
Engravings by various international artists, providing a deep insight into the evolution of the railway since its beginnings, combine with magnificent sculptures by Diego Canogar, Marta Sánchez Luengo, Julio López Hernández and also Antonio López, who, in 1992, received the prestigious Tomás Francisco Prieto Award, granted every year by Real Casa de la Moneda.
In addition to these works, the exhibition includes scale models of railway infrastructures, old engines and modern trains, telling us of how this mode of transport has developed through time, from steam to high speed. 
The display is completed with a selection of postage stamps and banknotes, both Spanish and foreign; railway debt, commemorative coins, medals, engraving plates, National Lottery and drawings, all of which have a connection with the railway. Most of them are works by the engravers and designers of Real Casa de la Moneda and now form part of its museum collections.

"Travelling by train is an opportunity to take a fresh look at the world. A new angle on things, on scenery, on people, on light." Antonio Lucas, journalist and poet

La muestra quiere acercar al gran público la Real y Distinguida Orden Española de Carlos III, cuya historia corporativa y premial se presenta por medio de una cuidada selección de documentos, piezas e imágenes inéditas, condecoraciones, retratos de personajes clave en nuestra historia, mantos ceremoniales de diversas Órdenes, monedas y medallas, escudos, modelos originales de conocidos monumentos madrileños, etc. Cerca de 400 piezas provenientes de 54 museos y colecciones privadas, nacionales y extranjeros, nos acercan tanto a la figura y obra del monarca creador de la Real Orden como a sus 245 años de trayectoria.

Cartel Virtuti et Merito