The Mint Museum

It is considered one of the most important museums of its kind in the world. The wealth of its collections, its extensive facilities and the technical support that our staff provides to researchers and teachers, make the Museum a unique place from which to learn about the universe of money.

​​​​​​​The Casa de la Moneda Museum invites the public to explore the history of money from its origins through the different forms of its production throughout history.

​​​​​​​Visiting its rooms you can see important collections of numismatics, philately and prefilately, bills and other means of payment, lottery and games, historical library, artistic collection, machinery and tools for manufacturing used by the National Mint and Stamp Factory-Real Casa de the coin.
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Exposición permanente

El Museo Casa de la Moneda cuenta con 17 salas de exposición permanente. Un recorrido a lo largo de la historia que nos muestra cómo ha sido la evolución .... 
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Exposiciones temporales

De forma temporal empleamos parte de nuestras sales para la exposición de muestras relacionadas .... Desde los trabajos fin de máster de nuestra Escuela de Grabado y Diseño gráfico, hasta ...

En estos momentos estamos preparando nuestra próxima exposición temporal. 

Exposiciones Pasadas

imagen exposicion temporal
Tinta de Verano 2023
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